Monday, July 8, 2019

Amazing JAPAN opening July.06.2019 summary.

Some statistics after amazing Japan opening last Saturday weekend, July 6th,2019. I can say it was biggest and longest one I have experienced during 6m activity. Of course, there were shorter but stronger openings some Years a go, more area focused, with 80+ CW QSO on average, but this one with help of FT8 was really "something".
There's a chance even more can be achieved, but I have encountered very fast QSB - some stations appeared for 1 period only, then gone. How many did not replied in next period? No idea. 40-50 decodes each period makes almost no chance to pick them all, not to mention i3 PC stuck at times. 
FT8 is slow mode for such massive openings, but on the other hand if we select signals "possibly" readable for skilled CW op, overall QSO figure will be much less. . . BTW, called 20min CQ on CW.. no reply at all.   
PSK reporter screen with "CQ only" decoded callsigns

All stations listed were physically heard/decoded during this opening at my home QTH JO92EF, using IC-7300 and single 7ele Yagi YU7EF @8m. For those who search JA grids, link below callsigns table lead to raw JTDX logfile stored on dropbox for checking purpose.

Same PSK reporter pic, focused at Japan.

After analysing JTDX file 255 unique different callsigns were heard/decoded/seen during opening:

Raw JTDX "save all" file for checking HERE.

Hope it wasn't last good opening this season.


1 comment:

  1. Hello. It was an amazing propagation. I did portable opoeration again from PL24 Miyakojima-city. I did QSO with 12 EU stations including SP4MPB and SP3RBG.
